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Smart Future

Connected Home 

A connected home is networked to enable the interconnection and interoperability of multiple devices, services and apps, ranging from communications and entertainment to healthcare, security and home automation. These services and apps are delivered over multiple interlinked and integrated devices, sensors, tools and platforms. Connected, real-time, smart and contextual experiences are provided for the household inhabitants, and individuals are enabled to control and monitor the home remotely as well as within it.

Virtual Reality

Augmented Reality (AR) is a term for a live direct or indirect view of a physical real-world environment whose elements are augmented by virtual computer-generated sensory input such as sound or graphics."

“Augmented reality is any technology that overlays virtual information on top of the real world. You look through some sort of device (to date, mobile phones have turned out to have the most traction) with a camera on it, it shows you a view of what it sees, and, combining that view with it’s positional awareness, adds in meaningful information about what you are seeing.”

BMW Augmented Reality

BMW research projects using augmented reality, the mechanic receives additional three-dimensional information on the engine he is repairing, for example, to help him in diagnosing and solving the fault. Apart from the real environment, he sees virtually animated components, the tools to be used and hears instruction on each of the working steps through headphones integrated inside the goggles.

Sixth Sense

'SixthSense' is a wearable gestural interface that augments the physical world around us with digital information and lets us use natural hand gestures to interact with that information.

Transparent Laptops

Active Matrix Organic Light-Emitting Diode (AMOLED), is an emerging display technology claiming the global market with the next generation of post-TFT LCD display. Transparent AMOLED displays provide the user with a screen behind which objects are still visible like Glass.

AMOLED allows for colors so bright they’re instantaneous and the body is less than half as thick as TFT, LCDs. Its also lets you view images from any angle. Its boasts top-quality color reproduction and brightness. The AMOLED display responds more than 1000 times faster than TFT LCDs. Its 66% less power than conventional LCDs. Transparency factor is about 30%. AMOLED now SAMSUNG,LG,MAC and MICROSOFT also developing this features.

Make RAR Archive File Parts For Mail

1. Install winRAR software on your system.

2. Right click on your folder and select add to archive...

3. In that Archive name and parameter window goto general.

4. Select compression method is best.

5. Goto Split to volumes,byte and type 25 mb because mail allows only 27 mb size file. click ok.

6. Its split your large size file into several 25 mb size parts. Now you can send your large size files in mail.

How To Install Ubuntu On USB Drive

Download Ubuntu Image From the Ubuntu Website.

1. Plug your USB disk into your computer’s USB drive. Make sure
your computer recognizes the USB disk before proceeding.

2. To launch USB Startup Disk Creator, choose System ▸ Administration
USB Startup Disk Creator.

3. Under Source Disk Image click the Other... button and specify
the Ubuntu image you downloaded in the previous step. If you are creating the USB disk from a Live CD, insert the Live CD and USB Startup Disk Creator will automatically recognize it.

4. Under USB Disk to use your USB disk is highlighted. If you have more than one item in the list, select the USB disk you want to use for your Live USB.

5. To make the Live USB a writeable disk, indicate how much memory to use for extra storage. If you don’t want the Live USB to be modifiable, select the second option, Discarded on Shutdown.

6. Click Make Startup Disk to make a Live USB.USB Startup Disk Creator will erase any data on the USB disk. Back up any files you don’t want delete.

7. On many modern PCs that are configured to allow USB boot, you should be able to just restart the machine with the USB drive plugged in and Ubuntu should boot straight from it!.

8. It’s a nice simple way to have a copy of Ubuntu in your pocket, wherever you go.

Finding IP Address And Location Of That IP

Getting IP address via command prompt

* In command prompt type tracert
* You will get IP address of that web site.

Getting IP via e-mail

* In gmail->inbox->reply->downarrow->showoriginal->find in recived ipaddress [xx.xx.x.x]
* Then goto OR
* paste that ip and find correct location.

  • Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only. This Blog is in no way responsible for any kind of damage resulting from the information given in this article. The sole purpose of this article is to impart knowledge and make people aware of security concerns.